I recently experienced the effect of setting a goal before going to a business gathering, a networking event. Let me give you an example of the effect. Rae-Ann Ruszkowski was going to receive an award for her work at Working Wardrobes, a charitable organization that helps people in challenging situations enter the workforce and achieve […]
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Tag: remembering names
Holiday Tips for Remembering Names
If you follow the Holiday Networking Challenge I presented [click here to review], you may find it difficult to remember the names of all the people you will be meeting. Below are some additional tips for remembering those new names. (In an upcoming post on Managing Your New, Growing List, I will give you some […]
The Power of Using Someone’s Name
A friend of mine mentioned weeks back that she’s amazed at my ability to recall and use people’s names when I give a speech. She asked if I could help her by sharing some of my tips. We discussed her observations of people’s reactions. I admit, I never really thought much about the process, it […]