Do you realize how much your presentation of you drives the results of your networking? The number of people you meet, the amount of contacts you make, the number of referrals you get?
When you go to a networking event at the end of the day, do you LOOK like the end of the day?
Don’t!!! (don’t come into the event looking like you already put in a long, grueling day)
Lately I’ve been noticing too many people coming to an event disheveled, not even taking the time to freshen up their face or comb their hair.
The first key your success at any event is the care and attention you take at presenting yourself.
Present yourself as if the day doesn’t affect you. You are still fresh! Present yourself as if this Networking event is important to you, and that you care about yourself as much as the people you meet.
Think about it, when you go on a date, an interview, a client meeting, you put together an image of your best self. You exude confidence, attention to detail in how you look; because frankly, your ‘look’ speaks volumes about you when you walk into a room. What book cover do you want people to see? What do you want people to think about you?
Men and Women both have their own techniques for ‘freshening up’, and you know what they are. Everything is buttoned. No lose threads. No stains. No wrinkles. At the very least, and I shouldn’t have to really say this, wash or freshen up your face, freshen up your makeup if you wear it, and make sure your hair is presentable and in place. All of these are distractions, and because the goal is to have people looking at your face so you can drive conversations and perceptions, you don’t want to drive people away from things that are in your control.
I know I sound like a parent by stating “Clean your face, comb your hair” several times, but it amazes me how many people actually do come to a networking event with worn, oily, &/or dirty skin. People will be looking at your face while you are talking, don’t you want the image of you to represent how you are to work with and what kind of work you do? (attention to detail, presentation, diligent, confident)
The Victor Credo:
In my “Young as Any Age” presentations I say that the perfect business person has the wisdom of age and the energy of youth. Show people that you have the energy to complete projects because you are still fresh (and energetic) after a full day.
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