Ok, you arrive at the start time as mentioned in my previous Networking Nightmare post, before everybody is talking to someone already. Now what? 

Tip #1 sounds crazy, but it works: Start a conversation with the first person you make eye contact with in the room. That’s right, get the scary part out of the way … now. Don’t think … do. Blank out (deflect, dismiss) any negative thoughts before they even get close to your conscious mind. The pain is short if at all.

What do you say to this “first person?” How do you start the conversation? Look around. What do you see that will be a good (unique) conversation starter? There’s always the weather, the parking, the food, the event, the organizing group. The foolproof opening line: “Hello. My name is ______ .”  They have little choice but to say, “Hi. (nice to meet you) My name is _______.”

How do you continue the conversation? Tip #2: Do your homework.

Read five days of the Wall Street Journal prior to the event. Skim the long articles, read just the first two paragraphs, or even just the headline. If people want to talk about it, they will already know enough about it. Skim the latest issue of Time magazine, especially the short articles. Again, skim the long articles. Skim Google News.

Tip #3: If go with a friend, drive separately! If you go there together, it’s too easy to stay together. Also, make sure YOU get there first (Tip #3.5).  That way, you have to start a conversation with someone. You can then introduce them to your friend when they arrive!

You say you want to chat with the Big Dogs?  That’s next …