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Just move!

Moving Around in Laguna from Victor B on Vimeo. Here in California we’re lucky. Year around nice weather, and exercise by the beach. You can’t beat it! We have NO reason not to get out and exercise because the options are limitless. And well, let’s face it, it’s so doggone nice! Wherever you are – […]

Reality Show Lessons (?)

Reality shows.  Reality shows with a lesson.  I inadvertently found one.  Just one show. There are public speaking lessons if you look. No, I’m not a Donald Trump fan, but I do watch The Apprentice.  Trump creates a business situation with a goal in mind.  Two teams create a product then sell it – all  […]

Cheap Research Trick

You get a request for a presentation on a topic similar to yours.  You figure that with your background, education and a little research, you could put together a great talk.  So you say, “Yes.” You start by going online to research the topic.  To find out what others have written about your new topic, […]


I believe the pause is the MOST underused tool in the speaker’s tool box. Speakers seem to think they have such great information and SO much of it, that they don’t have time to pause.  Heck, they think, they’re wasting valuable data-dump time!  Or, like most people, they are uncomfortable with the silence.  The opposite […]

Public Speaking 301

A public speaker has to know a little about everything Psychology:    why people are the way they are, Persuasion:    things that motivate people to listen, change, buy, Sociology:       group response, group needs, social interaction, Current events:  anything that connects, even remotely, to your topic, Advertising:   Know what the major advertisers are currently using to […]