Four score and seven years ago … or was that just ‘yesterday’ … when connecting meant ‘social’ and ‘in-person’. Today, ‘social’ means Social Media, where you connect and engage, but without the human element: the body language, the impromptu comments made because of the situation, the ability to lighten the situation, etc.
As you will be out-and-about this holiday season, I encourage you to engage & connect the ‘old-fashioned’ way. You will have access to many more people, at all kinds of times and occasions. I challenge you to build your network by connecting with 5 new people each day during this season. OK, I’ll let you get by with 3 a day. The goal here is to add new people to your Rolodex of meaningful connections, and build your well.
If you take on this challenge, by the time LACE (short for Toastmasters Leadership And Communications Education) rolls around, you could have possibly 140 to 200 new connections for your LinkedIn, or over 280 in your mind’s Rolodex of possibilities! This challenge is not as hard as it seems, especially during this holiday season.
Here are 10 easy ways to add 5 new people a day:
- You are standing in a very long line and you are in a hurry. Remember how a watched pot takes forever to boil? Comment on something with the person in front of you – ask a question, comment (remember never negative – everyone is in the same boat). You can comment on the wait, but say something funny. Your goal is to find something in common. Making conversation makes the time pass.
- Someone in front of you has a very unruly child. That poor parent just wants to get out of there unscathed by the child or an angry person. Have a toy in your pocket – (obviously one with no loose parts, and applicable to all ages) – a balloon perhaps, a Koosh ball (easily grabable) – the point is to distract the child from whatever is making them upset, and maybe make them laugh. Help the parent out with no desire of an outcome for you.
- Go to the midnight sales for entertainment. Yes – parking is bad – but not when you are not in a hurry – park in the back, stroll in, look for someone who could use a laugh.
- Waiting in line at the meat counter, the checkout line? Pay attention to people you see during your shopping trip; ‘make a friend.’ Comment each time you see them.
- Comment on the music that’s playing for the 5th time in the loop. Mention a funny Christmas song you like. If someone’s singing along – comment – smile – join in and create a flash mob.
- At the Turkey table, or holiday party table, when someone asks what’s new with you or what you do – try something different. Give a 10 second intro of a project, interest, or challenge at work, and ask the person you are speaking with if they have some ideas or know anyone with that kind of expertise.
- Another one for the holiday networking or holiday rounds – sit next to someone you don’t know, and strike up a conversation about silliest holiday memories.
- Offer to wrap presents for people, or better yet, for your local fund raising or non profit organization.
- Volunteer to be a greeter at your local place of worship, school holiday assembly, or offer to serve meals to those less fortunate.
- Go to local theater’s holiday productions, or go to local schools holiday shows, and strike up conversations with the parents and volunteers.
Your goals are purely to get out there talking & engaging, not selling or pitching. Look for common interests, or ways you can offer some help or lighten the mood. Pay attention to what worked, what didn’t, what made you uncomfortable, what made you get really engrossed in a conversation with someone. This is all about getting comfortable establishing a connection. Remember – no pitching, no selling.
Close each conversation with (where appropriate): I’ve enjoyed talking with you! Do you have a card? I would like to stay in touch and talk more about ‘x’, or hear more about your child’s soccer games, or hear how you big trip went, etc. Thanks for the info on “x”. Have a great holiday. (or whatever works for you)
You will learn more about the purpose of this exercise at my upcoming LACE training in January. Stayed turned. Now – go enjoy the holiday networking!
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